If your business isn't growing, if you feel like you're doing #allthethings and you're still stuck in 2nd gear, it's likely because of these 2 reasons!
Jasmine came to us with an unclear niche and a few clients. She has now made $100,000 since working with me in the last 10 months and is a Six Figure Coach!!
Want to see behind the scenes of a real journey to $9K months? Melissa is a former member of my 90-day program Soul Business Accelerator, and just a few months after she joined she started having $7K and $9K months.
We all have a reason for starting our businesses, does mine sound similar to yours? Plus check out the places I'd love to take you if you fly out to Colorado to spend a VIP Day with ME working together on your business!
I'm grateful to have had the opportunity to chat with David from the Inspiration Rising Podcast about my cancer diagnosis and journey, and current life changes.
When IN a LIFE TRANSITION - If you're like me, and so many others I know right now, we are all in a period of transition (whether it's something we're consciously choosing or not - thank you Covid).