
How to book 2-5 discovery calls each WEEK

How to book 2-5 discovery calls each WEEK

If you aren’t booking at least 2-5 discovery calls (potential client consultations), I shot this video from my heart to yours!

Oh My Heath … There’s HOPE! {Podcast Interview}

Oh My Heath … There’s HOPE! {Podcast Interview}

I spoke with Jana Short on a recent podcast episode of Oh My Heath… There’s HOPE!



How NOT to Let FEAR HOLD You BACK… What actually is FEAR? We've all experienced it.

Why Being Uncomfortable is Good

Why Being Uncomfortable is Good

Why Being UNCOMFORTABLE is GOOD… Right now, my life is uncomfortable AF. And it's something I'm doing on purpose.

How to JUMP INCOME LEVELS in Your Business

How to JUMP INCOME LEVELS in Your Business

How to JUMP INCOME LEVELS in Your Business: We all hit income plateaus in our business at some point.

PROOF You don't need a huge following to earn BIG money

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Proof You Don't Need a BIG FOLLOWING to Earn BIG MONEY: People come to me all the time thinking they can't earn BIG money in their business because they don't have a BIG following!

It's total BS. And absolutely 100% NOT TRUE. 

➡️ In this video, I share with you specific examples (in my own business and clients' businesses) of my clients earning six-figures without even being on social media, plus clients who came to me with huge audiences but were earning very little money. 

I hope this helps change your mindset around needing a big audience so you can stop telling yourself this story and get on with earning six-figures and beyond in your soul-aligned business!! 

Ps. If you want to grow your business to Six Figures, my program Soul Business Accelerator: Your Six-Figure Roadmap is for you! It's the exact process I built my business to consistent $10K months and how I help my clients do the same. Head here to learn more and sign up!