Are you under a constant pressure to work harder? Do you constantly feel like you could be doing better? Is your life centered on chasing “success” with all your might, but it never seems like you’re getting any closer to it? This post is for you.
We’ve all been there – we’re sitting at work feeling totally bored, uninspired, staring at the slowly-moving clock and just daydreaming of that vacation we’re so desperately wanting to take.
Are you living your life "hoping" things will magically get better or be different? If so, I'm sorry to say, that's not likely to happen. But here's how you can guarantee it does.
When clients come to me, it’s usually for career guidance. Often times they’ve struggled for YEARS waiting for their dream career to simply unveil itself. And there’s a reason why that usually doesn’t happen. Here’s a little secret just for you...
If you’re feeling a bit lost, like you’ve been living your life based on everyone else’s dreams, here are a few tips to get back on track and really get to know yourself.
For years I lived my life based on what other people would think of me. It affected all parts of my life so it’s no surprise that I turned into a bland, watered-down version of myself and felt completely lost.
Clients come to me not really knowing what their life purpose is, but they feel a strong sense of longing to uncover it. Usually it's right underneath their noses, they just need a bit of direction and clarity to bring their life purpose to the light.
“Maybe the journey isn’t so much about becoming anything. Maybe it’s about un-becoming everything that isn’t really you… so you can be who you were meant to be in the first place.” ~Unknown
What is spiritual awakening anyway? Spiritual awakening includes certain “symptoms” as they say, some of which include creating a new belief system for yourself, wanting more freedom and less stuff, the feeling that something has changed inside of you.
For many years, I just assumed I was biologically programmed for having a negative mindset and that’s who I was. I truly believed I was destined to live life with a negative inner voice constantly bringing me down.
I have to admit, I’ve been guilty of buying into these myths even though I knew they were holding me back. For years, I justified them by telling myself that they were keeping me safe and protected from failure or disappointment.