Erica Carrico

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Beautiful You Coaching Academy Coach of the Year 2020

Back in March, I was awarded the Beautiful You Coaching Academy’s 2019/2020 International Coach of the Year - and now I’m on the cover of Inspired Coach!

This is a special award issue that was put out to celebrate all of the Academy's award winners and includes lots of tips to maximize your impact and growth on both a business and personal level. I am so honored to be included in this group of talented women sharing their gifts with the world.

When I graduated from university, I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life and spent four years in and out of jobs, only to pick one that I felt I “should” have because society said so. Through relationships, food, alcohol, traveling, I was always searching for something to fill the void and the emptiness that was there from not doing the work that I was put on earth to do. 

Five years later, I was not happy with it. I knew I was not living my purpose. So, I hired a life coach and everything changed for me. 

Within the first year of my coaching business, I was fully booked and running a 2-month wait-list. I was able to triple my full-time income, quit my career as a non-profit executive, and move my family out to beautiful Colorado where I work remotely from home!

Receiving this award was the perfect way to celebrate years of hard work that went behind building my coaching business. I am more excited than ever to continue creating transformational change in the lives of those who are seeking their purpose with eagerness and a passionate heart the same way I was - even if things feel hopeless.

You can download the issue on the Beautiful You website. Just click HERE! In my article, I share tons of tips on how I grew my business to the level of success I have (with two kids and on the tail end of a cancer diagnosis).

I am taking on 2 private coaching clients for the remainder of 2020. This will be either a 6-month or 12-month commitment, and you’ll receive high-level mentorship for me to grow your business to six-figures and beyond, in a way that is fully aligned with your soul. 

You will have access to all of my programs, my exact business model, and me fully vested in you and your business, in the most intimate way! I’ve never offered anything like this before, and I’m beyond excited!

If this sounds like what you need right now, contact me here as a first step!

About Erica

Erica Carrico is an International Life Purpose Coach, world traveler, adventure seeker, free spirit, and mommy of 2. 

Through coaching services, speaking, and writing, Erica helps holistic & spiritual professionals who are frustrated and stuck in the wrong career, discover their life purpose and start a soul-aligned business so they can finally earn a living doing what they absolutely love. What they were put on earth to do.

Erica has a BS in Psychology, an MS in Nonprofit Management, life and career coaching certifications, 12+ years experience in business leadership and international recruitment, built a fully-booked soul-aligned business within a year, has traveled through over 50 different countries, and is obsessed with helping thousands of people all around the world live lives full of passion, purpose, freedom, and adventure. 

To follow more of Erica’s work, you can find her hanging out on FACEBOOKINSTAGRAM, and LINKED IN

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