Erica Carrico

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10 Treasures That Supported Me Through My Spiritual Awakening

10 Treasures That Supported Me Through My Spiritual Awakening

What is “spiritual awakening” anyway? I could try and reinvent the wheel myself, but there are people out there that can better explain it than me. I love this explanation as it closely resonates with what I’ve experienced and how I feel:

“Once the soul awakens, the search begins and you can never go back. From then on, you are inflamed with a special longing that will never again let you linger in the lowlands of complacency and partial fulfillment. The eternal makes you urgent. You are loath to let compromise or the threat of danger hold you back from striving toward the summit of fulfillment.”

~ John O’Donohue

Spiritual awakening includes certain “symptoms” as they say, some of which include creating a new belief system for yourself, wanting more freedom and less stuff, the feeling that something has changed inside of you. A willingness to know who you truly are and to finally be you true self, feelings of deep sadness and compassion for all the suffering in the world, and a meaningless job or career no longer works for you as you have a deep yearning for meaning and to make a difference in the world.

You may have a deep desire to connect with nature, a realization that your body is the vessel of your soul – you have a strong desire to eat healthier and take better care of your body. You experience synchronicity, and a strong desire to be around people more in alignment with who you’ve become. You also have increased intuitions and hypersensitivity to the energy of others around you, and likely take on their emotions as your own.   

If more than a few of these symptoms resonate with you, it’s likely you’re waking up spiritually and raising your level of consciousness within yourself and the role you play in the world. Some of you may have already awakened and are on the path of ascension, which I’ll write about soon. For now, I’ve put together a list of absolute treasures that have supported me along my spiritual awakening journey. Maybe some of them will help guide you as well.

10 Treasures That Supported Me Through My Spiritual Awakening

1.) Abraham Hicks

The teachings of Abraham Hicks are the original source for the Law of Attraction wave that is currently sweeping the world and the inspiration for thousands of books, films, seminars, workshops, blogs, you name it… this is the root of it all. I listen to Abraham Hicks on You Tube at least once a day. Do a You Tube search and choose one that resonates with how you’re feeling or what message you're needing to hear that day. 

2. Kundalini Yoga

People often say you cannot stay the same when you practice Kundalini Yoga consistently. Kia Miller is a world-renowned Kundalini Yoga practitioner and explains, “The very nature of what we do is to awaken the energy of consciousness, to practice in a way that sheds light on our self-imposed limitations, and invites us to think out of the box and develop our intuitive mind.”

From personal experience, I could not agree more. I began my Kundalini Yoga practice through Kundalini Yoga Lounge’s 40 Day You Tube Challenge. Why 40 days? Yogic science shows it takes 40 days to sift out any thoughts and emotional patterns that limit you. Practice for 90 days and your limiting beliefs will be replaced by infinite, expansive ones. 120 days and you embody that habit – it becomes who you are. 1,000 days and you’ve mastered the habit – it is your infinite self. But let’s not go crazy, start with 40 and see how you feel!  

3. Spiritual Guidance Blog - Ask Angels

Melanie Beckler is a spiritual teacher and author who has created this incredible online resource that helps millions of people around the world to tap into their inner light. No matter where you are on your spiritual path, this is a great resource to utilize and spend some time reading through. She also offers online courses that help you empower your own spiritual gifts and assist you in living a high-vibrational life.

4. Priestess Podcast

Julie Parker is the founder and host of the Priestess Podcast. She is someone I hold dear as I was trained by her at the Beautiful You Coaching Academy.

Julie is a well-known entrepreneur in Australia and worldwide. On this podcast, she has intriguing and eye-opening conversations about all things Divine Feminine, women’s spirituality, soulful business, Goddess culture, and living with grace. This podcast is now in it’s 2nd season and consistently ranks at the top in the spirituality genre on iTunes . I patiently await the release of each episode! 

5. Working With My Feminine Cycle

This one is more for the ladies – so guys feel free to skip! “Women are cyclic beings. Just like the moon and the seasons, our bodies change so much throughout the month. And in our modern world, we have forgotten that. Most of us don’t take our cycles into consideration at all. Our social calendar, our workouts and our workloads often look the same all month round,” explains life coach Sammie Fleming (read her full article here). 

The best way to think of your weekly cycles is by relating them to the four seasons. Week 1 when you are on your period, is Winter. You have less energy, you feel like eating warm, comforting meals, and staying home with your hair in a bun and your yoga pants on. Week 2 is Spring. You begin to feel more energetic, happy about life, and ready to get back out into the world.

Week 3 is Summer. You’re riding the wave of energy, feeling great about life, love being outside, active, social, and creative. This is a great time to get things done and finish projects you’ve been working on. It’s also a great week to fill your social calendar.

Week 4 is Autumn. This is the most challenging week for women as we begin to feel the effects of our hormones. We are more irritable, develop a lack of focus, and aren’t feeling the greatest. It’s a time to be gentle with yourself, have compassion for yourself, and don’t plan your week like you would if you were in your spring or summer cycle.    

Working with your cycles is a spiritually deepening practice because you really tune into the nature, beauty, wisdom, and connectedness of your body to All That Is. A lovely article that goes into more depth is The Spiritual Practice of Menstruation. There is also an episode on the Priestess Podcast with Sammie Fleming where they discuss this very topic.  

6. Guided Meditations

Meditation has been practiced for thousands of years. It’s now becoming recognized in Western civilization as a healing practice and more and more doctors, therapists, and even schools, are teaching and recommending a daily dose of meditation.

One of the biggest benefits of meditation is clearing the chaos in your mind by slowing down, unplugging from the intense energy of the world we live in, and turning our focus within. We are then able to connect with our heart, know ourselves as an awake, aware presence, let go of the past and future, and simply relax into the present.  

Guided meditations help you to meditate while focusing on something and I found it to be a much easier way to learn. There are plenty of guided meditations on You Tube, so try a few different ones out and find which resonate the most with you and where you’re at on your spiritual awakening journey. 

7. Crystals

“Crystals are often referred to as “wisdom keepers” because they hold thousands or even millions of years of the Earth’s history within them. Ancient civilizations have worked with the energy of the Earth since the beginning of time, finding guidance from that which lived under their feet.” Read more here on How To Use Crystals To Benefit Health & Happiness

Everything is connected, and everything is energy. Crystals are unique because they vibrate at a higher energy frequency which assists in creating harmony and positive change. I personally have been drawn to crystals since I was a little girl and have memories of picking out the “sparkly” rocks wherever I could find them. By bringing their natural, earthy beauty into my personal space and carrying them with me, I feel more connected and in alignment with the earth and the Universe.

8. Essentials Oils

Similar to crystals, essential oils are another beautiful way to bring the healing properties of the earth into your personal space and have also been used for thousands of years. There are so many uses for them - I’ve actually replaced all chemicals in my house with essential oil substitutes. They can be diffused or applied directly for enhanced physical, emotional, and spiritual wellness.

It’s important to know that not all essential oils are created equal and there are several diluted and potentially harmful imposters out there. I personally use Young Living because of their Seed to Seal program that guarantees pure and authentic essential oils, which gives me piece of mind to use them on my body and with my children.

I’m sure you know someone who sells Young Living, but if not and you would like to purchase some oils, my member number is 3482676 and you can shop Young Living oils here.

9. Following the Moon

I’ve always had a fascination and connection with the moon and the stars. When I went to camp as a little girl, I was the one off on my own starting up at the sky while everyone else was singing camp songs and roasting marshmallows.

On my travels around the world and through the difficult times in my life, sitting under the light of the moon gives me comfort, a sense of “everything will always be ok,” and a feeling of connectedness to Source and All That Is. It always reminds me that the universe is so much bigger than just my little life problems, and helps me remember I’m here for a reason. Maintaining a connection with the moon helps me stay in alignment with my purpose here on earth.

As women we naturally have a more intuitive connection with the moon since our bodies are actually designed to cycle with the moon. Dr. Ezzie Spencer of Lunar Abundance has some really wonderful resources on how to work with the cycles of the moon. I recommend starting there and seeing where your journey takes you.  

10. Oracle Cards

A beautiful friend gave me my deck of Dorren Virtue Angel Cards way back in 2011. I was actually “in the closet” using them for years because it was the very start (and through the beginning) of my spiritual awakening where I kept things very personal and secret because I was worried about what my husband, friends, and family would think of me. Now it turns out these are something I use every day in one way or another. I love them!

Oracle cards (different to terot cards) are a deck of cards that contain pictures and keywords that represent a message. Most decks come with a guide book, but some don’t, so make sure if you’re just starting out to purchase one that comes with a guide book.  

How do they work? Some people believe they help you understand your thoughts and inner being. Others believe that the cards give you the means to access guidance from your spirit guides and the Universe.

You can buy them at crystals shops, alternative health stores, and online. There are also two great online platforms that offer free readings anytime you want. Doreen Virtue – scroll down to Simple Reading, and Ask Angels free Angel Card Reading. Melanie Beckler also does a weekly Angel Card Reading on You Tube which I always love listening to.


So there you have it! The spiritual awakening process is very personal and happens differently for each person at different times in our lives. So remember, we must honor our own journey, follow our own hearts, and bring into our lives what resonates most with us.

I would love to know if you have any other treasures that have helped you on your spiritual awakening journey… leave in the comments below!   

So much love to you,

Erica x

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About Erica

Erica Carrico is an International Life Purpose Coach, world traveler, adventure seeker, free spirit, and mommy of 2. 

Through coaching services, speaking, and writing, Erica helps holistic & spiritual professionals who are frustrated and stuck in the wrong career, discover their life purpose and start a soul-aligned business so they can finally earn a living doing what they absolutely love. What they were put on earth to do. 

Erica has a BS in Psychology, an MS in Nonprofit Management, life and career coaching certifications, 12+ years experience in business leadership and international recruitment, built a fully-booked soul-aligned business within a year, has traveled through over 50 different countries, and is obsessed with helping thousands of people all around the world live lives full of passion, purpose, freedom, and adventure. 

To follow more of Erica’s work, you can find her hanging out on FACEBOOKINSTAGRAM, and LINKED IN.