Erica Carrico

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SIMPLE MARKETING PLAN for Online Businesses

SIMPLE MARKETING PLAN for Online Businesses - Erica Carrico

Most entrepreneurs earning less than Six Figures are lacking something crucial….

They usually don’t have a marketing strategy in place.

They are posting randomly on social media, writing a blog post here and there, maybe holding sporadic workshops… hoping something will bring in a client (I know this because this used to be ME, and it’s also every new entrepreneur who comes to me for help growing their biz). 

When you don’t have a marketing strategy, you’re never going to bring in consistent leads, which means you’re not booking consistent discovery calls...which means no consistent clients...which means no consistent income!

You may be at the point in your business where you’re getting a few clients here and there, but you are always left wondering what you’ll do the following month to sign more. I was the exact same way in my first year of business.

I literally can't think of anything more stressful - especially once you're reliant on your business to pay the bills!

Once I implemented a marketing strategy (a soulful marketing strategy that feels soulful, not salesy), I went from $20k income in my first YEAR to over six-figures in my second, and have seen consistent $30k+ months since.

If you want to find out what MY simple and effective marketing plan looks like, head to the link in my bio to watch my newest YouTube video on my Simple Marketing Plan!

Feel free to turn this into YOUR marketing plan too.

So much love and light,

Erica xx