How I Deal with NO SHOWS
How I Deal with NO SHOWS - Erica Carrico
I'm not a huge fan of No-Shows. BUT that doesn't mean I haven't learned how to work with them, how to bounce back from them, and HOW NOT TO TAKE IT SO PERSONALLY!
When I first started my business, I definitely had more No-Shows. It’s FAR more common in the beginning of your business to have more No-Shows than later on down the track.
I know how heartbreaking and devastating it can feel to sit there waiting, with that sinking feeling that no one is going to show up.
Watch this video, where I share with you how I deal with no-shows, why they are actually a blessing, and how you can deal with the emotional aftermath.
Now - Watch the video so you pull yourself out of the NO-SHOW hole!!
So much love and light,
Erica xx
PS. We have TWO spaces open in my results-driven program Soul Business Accelerator: Your Roadmap to Six Figures, for a December start! If you want to set your business up RIGHT to hit Six Figures in 2021, you need to start NOW!
Send me a message and let's jump on a call and see if one of these spots is right for you!